Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4 years with the one I love most

4 years ago today this happened:

I love making each year special with the man God's provision blessed me with!

1 year - Chicago

(we look SOOOO young!)

2 years - Brown County

 (the first pregnant anniversary - today marks #2!)

3 years (and part 2) - Dublin, Ohio (part of a bigger celebration for my graduation too)

THIS year the pictures will have to wait...I forgot to snap one before Joel left for work this morning!

Happy Anniversary baby, I am so thankful for your heart that loves the Lord, me, and our family - you are one of many blessings I don't deserve - I LOVE YOU!


  1. I love this! I was just thinking I don't know if I could find 10 years worth of yearly pics of me and Jeff. Keep documenting!

  2. What a wonderful celebration! Congrats to two wonderful people!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! How much has happened since we walked out of your house and into your beautifully decorated lawn 4 years ago with that dress that made you look like a million bucks :D <3

  4. Who knew that 4 years from that day you'd be happily celebrating your first year of marriage in London!!! I miss all the fun wedding planning memories from both of our big days...and I miss you!
