Sunday, July 31, 2011

in eternity

My good friend and former classmate, Aaron, and his wife, Bobbie, have recently started a blog about their upcoming adventure in moving to Uganda to serve missionaries.
From a recent blog post came this post, which I totally stole from them :)
Believe me, it is worth sharing!

In eternity it will not matter if supper was on the table in time, but it will matter if I met my husband at the door with joy in my heart.

It will not matter how clean my house was or if the laundry got folded, but it will matter if I made my children a priority everyday, giving them my time before my tasks.

It will not matter if my house was big or new or as nice as my friends’, but it will matter if my home was a haven of peace and safety for all who entered it.

It will not matter if my clothes were new or fashoinable or what size they were, but it will matter if my face was dressed in kindness toward all people.

It will not matter if my church attendance was perfect or how many committees I served on, but it will matter if I fulfilled the ministry God had for me alone, no matter how great or how humble.

God I pray that this is true of me and my heart every day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

it doesn't get any better than this!

Little Miss 1 year old!
Taken by Connelly Photography

There are several pictures that we have done 'progression' shots on, like the kiss picture, ones with Mylin's name in it, and this time with the basket we used in her newborn pictures
My mother-in-law also always makes something for Mylin to show off!
Check out her website here
To check out watching her grow rewind to our 3 month, 6 month, and 9 month pictures! (apparently I never posted her newborn!)

I love her more than anything else in this world - thank you God!!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

sweet friends

Some summer fun with little miss and her sweet girls friends :)

Ivy McCormick (mom is Jill)

 Matchy matcherson's :)
 And Miss Kadynce Perez

Action shot with Gracie Fry (in their cutsie swimsuits!)
 And the sweet cuddly boys from our small group! There are 6 of them and only 1 little lady: Miss Mylin.  3 of our friends in the group are pregnant and Mylin and I have our fingers crossed for more girl friends!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Remember my post about Abby's wedding?
Well these goofy pictures are from that adventure

Joel and I were exhausted and up late enjoying other's company the night before the wedding
We were taking pictures of a lot of other people and realized we needed some of us!

So I got us all set up and snapped this...
Dangit Joel! Why are you a goon?!

So we set it up again and Joel snapped this...

And he was surprised that I ruined the 2nd one on purpose and I felt so victorious for pulling one over on him!!!!

So finally, a serious picture - that I absolutely love of the 2 of us!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

first visit to the lake!

Mylin got to enjoy some sunshine and fun at the lake this summer!
We took her out on the pontoon and put her in her pack-n-play to avoid all the junk that accumulates on the boat, and then let her float around in her pink car (which she loved) and life jacket (which she hated)

Isn't she the cutest?!

p.s. we all wore 'matching' brown swimsuits - I know, we are awesome.

Friday, July 15, 2011

King David's virtues

I have been studying the Word of God with a lovely group of women this summer.
We are using Beth Moore's study DAVID: Seeking A Heart Like His
There is so much I could share...but what I am so excited to share in this post is about the virtues of David
I only hope that I will be called by God a woman after His own heart.

A virtuous man


Undeniable propensity to worship

A spirit of cooperation

A ray of hope

A literal dedication to God

The wisdom for administration

His loving-kindness

His intiation of the relationship

His complete acceptance

His calming spirit

His delight in restoration

His desire for another son

An active sympathy for the suffering

A fierce protectiveness toward his own

Vengeance toward the enemies of his people and mockers of his mercy

Can you imagine!?
What is so amazing is that God loved this man, sent his Son to die for this man, and wants to live in eternity with him!
And God feels that way and desires this for us as well!!!


For more Beth Moore probs check out her website, and my post nearly 2 years ago about her Esther study

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

a wedding from a dream

God is SO good!
Something about wedding brings that out in my soul, my mind, and my emotions
This statement has never been more true than when we got to join with and watch our friends Mat and Abby exchange vows and join their lives together as one on July 1st.
This exotic romance can alive in a whimsical wedding decorated like a dream!
Abby from Indiana fell in love with 'the one you don't see coming,' (flashback to our wedding toast, Abby!) her Miffy from Gibraltor
The romance began in Vancouver, culminated in Chicago to become one, then ventured to Greece on a honeymoon, and finally reside in London
Wow - out of a movie, right?!

I can hardly do this romance and wedding justice with I'll let you read up about it on Abby's blog yourself, check out her gorgeous pictures on her photographer's blog, and post some of my own pictures from our weekend celebration
Cedric, Abby's nephew, Mat, and Sara, Abby's niece
 Myself, April the MoH, and Bethany, the photographer
 Hannah, Mat's sister, Nick, Mat's brother, Nuala, Nick's fiance, Abby, and Mat

 Michael, Abby's now father-in-law!

 working hard to finish all the decor for the big day!
 final last minute, late night plans!
 the wedding primping! a GORGEOUS bride :)

 the lovebirds had some details to work out, but didn't want to see each other so they communicated through a crack in the door!

 Bluffton friends traveled to celebrate! Jessica, Amy, Abby, Jill, and myself

 could she be happier?!

 her adorable going away outfit!
Thank you Mat and Abby for letting us share in the celebration of your wonderful day!  We love you so much, miss you so much, and can't wait to see you again soon!  May God bless your marriage and new family :)