I have been studying the Word of God with a lovely group of women this summer.
We are using Beth Moore's study DAVID: Seeking A Heart Like His
There is so much I could share...but what I am so excited to share in this post is about the virtues of David
I only hope that I will be called by God a woman after His own heart.
A virtuous man
Undeniable propensity to worship
A spirit of cooperation
A ray of hope
A literal dedication to God
The wisdom for administration
His loving-kindness
His intiation of the relationship
His complete acceptance
His calming spirit
His delight in restoration
His desire for another son
An active sympathy for the suffering
A fierce protectiveness toward his own
Vengeance toward the enemies of his people and mockers of his mercy
Can you imagine!?
What is so amazing is that God loved this man, sent his Son to die for this man, and wants to live in eternity with him!
And God feels that way and desires this for us as well!!!
For more Beth Moore probs check out her website, and my post nearly 2 years ago about her Esther study
4 years ago
Jeff and I want to study David more in depth with our class and together. We are looking for a study that will allow us both to study the same thing since Beth Moore's is soley fof women to study. I couldn't remember if you were studying David or Daniel. I also think Joseph would be a great story to dive into. So many people to learn from in scripture. Just love the OT!!