My good friend and former classmate, Aaron, and his wife, Bobbie, have recently started a blog about their upcoming adventure in moving to Uganda to serve missionaries.
From a recent blog post came this post, which I totally stole from them :)
Believe me, it is worth sharing!
In eternity it will not matter if supper was on the table in time, but it will matter if I met my husband at the door with joy in my heart.
It will not matter how clean my house was or if the laundry got folded, but it will matter if I made my children a priority everyday, giving them my time before my tasks.
It will not matter if my house was big or new or as nice as my friends’, but it will matter if my home was a haven of peace and safety for all who entered it.
It will not matter if my clothes were new or fashoinable or what size they were, but it will matter if my face was dressed in kindness toward all people.
It will not matter if my church attendance was perfect or how many committees I served on, but it will matter if I fulfilled the ministry God had for me alone, no matter how great or how humble.
God I pray that this is true of me and my heart every day!
4 years ago
How convicting! Thank you, Rachel!