In our house we have been trying to establish ways to build character in this little sweetie:
So I've adapted some tools from my sister-in-law Jill (LOVE her) - that she used with her kids as toddlers
House Rules:
1. Love God
2. Obey Right Away
3. Have a Happy Heart (Jill's was 'Tell the Truth')
4. Be Kind
5. Work Hard
Over the last several weeks we've been reciting these with Mylin with a corresponding finger on her hand - an easy way for her to remember, right?!
It has worked great - she enjoys learning them and saying them and often asks us "Which one is this?" and holds up any number of fingers, wanting us to tell her which is which again :)
Today, Joel brought up that 'Be Kind' is an outward expression of relating to others, not a heart issue, and wondered if we should change, adapt, or add another rule on to address the heart of how we treat others
Then we discussed maybe having family values (much like the list of verses in 1 Thessalonians 12-22) as a separate part of character building in our home - something that older children can learn, but not as simple as what the toddler will memorize...
What are your thoughts on this?
What house rules or family values do you live by in your home?
What evidences of character building do your children memorize?
We would love to have more ideas!!!
4 years ago
They are so many different styles of parenting, but I love how much effort you and Joel put into it :)