Thursday, May 31, 2012

Family outing

Since we are still anticipating Wee One's arrival (be it late or really late...) I'm going to continue scheduling some random posts...enjoy!

I love long weekends :)
We spent our 3 day Memorial weekend soaking up lots of family time!

On Saturday we went to the zoo:

Notice the 'animal' in all the pictures?!
Mylin's beloved 'mow' likes to come on our trips :)

Joel tried to teach Mylin that this statue wasn't a real reptile - but a statue (like she knows what that is...but we have to teach her somehow!)

But she was very frightened!

He somehow coaxed her on with him! (she didn't like it)

Then we turn around to start walking again and our little goofball had crawled up there herself!

The biggest attraction for her is the peacocks
She loves the noise they make and can identify it from all around the zoo!
Like a lot of attractions with toddlers, it is a love/hate relationship
She loves to say their name and ask us 'did you hear it?' when they caw, but gets nervous when their plumes are out (which we got to see a lot of that day!)

Of course, another classic Roo picture (this time no crying!!!)

And at one point in the morning she traded Daddy his hat for her sunglasses - he is such a good sport :)

After that fun morning we all crashed in the afternoon and stayed inside to avoid the heat!
All day Sunday was spent with my parents and 2 of my brother's families - braving the heat and eating lots of popsicles
All day Monday we spent with Joel's parents and sister playing games

What a great weekend and a great way to spend each day we had together!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Due date...

So way back on September 24th when we found out Wee One was on the way - we calculated our due date to be May 29th, 2012
After the longest first trimester ever...we were given the due date of June 5th, 2012...which I was not willing to accept in disagreement with...(I know, I know, an entire 7 more days?! What is the big deal pregnant lady?!)
So (we've) I've been telling everyone for the past several months we're due 'at the end of May' figuring that gives us a little cushion and doesn't lock us down to a date seems as though we may really not be expecting the arrival of this undeserved blessing until the month of June!
This is hard for me to swallow... :(
I have been battling high hopes, broken expectations, and depression these last few weeks
I am SO anxious and excited for baby to come I can hardly stand it!
It is pretty much ALL I think about:
"Was that a contraction?"
"Will my water break if I walk around the zoo all morning?"
"I kind of want to mow so I can wear myself out...maybe that'll start labor..."
After the emotional battle of the last few weeks I am so thankful that through desperate prayer and seeking, God has really given me peace and freedom over this situation
I have been thinking that I could control this situation somehow!
Ha! What a delusion...
Now I know many people are given the option of some kind of control over births - and for a lot of us that is for our safety or our child's safety
But at this point, I am feeling so good and my pregnancy is going so well, that there is no risk!

God has been using friends to speak truth into my life about my perspective as well
Everything from: Remembering at the beginning of this pregnancy we weren't sure if Wee One would survive to this point or I am so thankful to still be pregnant!
To: A friend of mine delivering her daughter at 26 weeks (which was just over a week ago) and us being reminded how thankful we are for the healthy pregnancy He has blessed us with
Thank you God for these reminders - and please comfort and heal those who have not been blessed in this area

Because we desperately want a VBAC with this birth (after about 26 hours of labor with Mylin I had her via c-section), my options of 'inducing' labor are even more pretty much I cannot be medically induced (which I have no desire to be)
BUT my doctor said if I did change my mind and wanted to do a c-section I could schedule that at any I could have had the baby last week...
I'd be a liar if I didn't say that offer wasn't tempting!
I know that we want to have the option to experience a vaginal birth...and if it isn't with this baby - I won't be able to (Around here no one will let you try a VBAC after 2 consecutive c-sections)

SO, for now I am set to let this baby come on it's own, in God's timing...
But I sure am praying daily "Please let it be today!"
One of these days, it will be :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Big girl in a big bed update

Remember our post about transitioning Mylin into a BIG GIRL bed?
Well here's an update about 6 weeks later...

Our silly little goose did take some training for the new room to work!
And mom and dad took A LOT of patience, prayer, wisdom, and flexibility to make it work too!

At first we guided her back to her bed when she would get out or wake up crying
The first night this took over 2 hours for her to fall asleep!
The next few nights got extremely easier and better (much like when we started sleep training her at 6 months old in her crib)

Then - we had a major transition...there was no getting her to calm down for bed or naps!
So we decided instead of guiding back to bed, we'd begin to discipline her since we'd seen some positive fruit and now she was deciding not to obey
So we began to paddle her for getting out of her bed.

This has proved to be THE ROUGHEST days of our parenting
Looking back I don't remember how long it lasted - but I think around 10 days (felt like 10,000!!!)
As the mommy and the parent who is home with her most - I was responsible for about 75% of it...if not more
There was 1 day that I called Joel sobbing and somewhat screaming (he was at work)
I was so emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted (p.s. I was also beginning my 3rd trimester of pregnancy with Wee One!) and could not handle it any more

Let me just say I could not even express to you how thankful I am for God's provision in this husband for me
He offered to come home from work for the afternoon so I could calm down and he could take over with Mylin (I told him no - I'd feel so silly if he took vacation time for my emotional meltdown!)
But then when he did come home that evening, he made sure to take over bedtime for the next several nights
Only a few nights later we were both lying down in our room while taking turns getting Mylin back in her bed
We were praying and discussing what to do and I began to have a panic attack
I have only had a handfull in my life (and most, if not all, during my 2 pregnancies) and knew that whatever we were trying to accomplish was not worth the toll it was taking on us!
I was texting a good friend and encourager about our situation with Mylin - desperate for some advice and support
She said something simple I will never forget!
She told us that we weren't failures as parents just because she wouldn't stay in bed.
She suggested we put the gate up on her doorway and just let her cry it out like we did when she was in a crib
And then she said that if she needed to sleep in the pack n play for another month while the baby was here until she was old enough/ready for the transition that it was OK to do that!
Seems simple, right?
Well it changed our lives!

After that night we have never had to paddle her for anything bedtime related and she has gotten into a simple and predictable bedtime and naptime routine!

Here we are 6 weeks later and she has fully transitioned to her new room and new bed
She may screw around and often sing in her room for up to an hour after we tell her it's 'bedtime'
But every night we find her tucked in her bed (yes, she tucks herself in...ADORABLE!) and sleeping soundly until morning

Thank you, God for encouraging friends, for endurance, strength, patience, flexibility, and most of all for a partnership in our marriage that makes any difficult stressor manageable!

Discipline and it's many forms can come under scrutiny and are easily judged.  We have decided on what form our discipline will take in our family and have peace about it - so know that while we enjoy reading your comments on our lives - we don't care to read your criticisms! :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Zoo trip!

Mylin and mommy went to the zoo last week with Aunt Leslie, cousin Jace, and Aunt Roni!
We got to 'test drive' our new double stroller (a gracious gift from my brother David and his wife Jayna)
We tried to get the standard kangaroo picture....
 But Jace wanted to sit in it and Mylin wanted to stand
 And then when we took Jace out of it...
 Mylin started to cry!!!
 They did hold hands quite a bit - though it looks like I just missed the photo op...
 And when we tried for more cousin pictures
 Jace was the sitter and Mylin the stander!
 Somewhere in the African Safari Jace had enough and needed to lie down and rest - so Mylin decided to join him - they were quite a spectacle!
 They loved getting into the Choo-choo every time we walked by!

 And we ended our day with brushing some goats
 Which Little Miss Tenderheart wasn't too sure about...

It was SUCH a fantastic day with family!
The weather was cool, and no clouds in the sky - couldn't have created a better forecast for a day outside with some of the ones we love most!
Can't wait to do it again soon - hopefully with the 3rd Draper grandchild on board :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The nursery project

I am so thankful to be putting all my hours of pinterest obsession into good use!
So far I have done lots of recipe posts, a pinterest inspired decorating post for our living room, one for our bedroom, and a homemade learning activity for Mylin post (which happens to be her current favorite activity to do!)
Today my pinterest post is all about the new baby!
I have a nursery board on pinterest that has inspired some unique and simple decor in baby's room:

I am in love with how it turned out!!!
We use to have a few pictures and LOTS of shelves hung in here when Mylin was an infant
Well...the shelves didn't end up being all that safe and the pictures didn't really end up going with the room...
So we decided to simplify and take everything off the walls, repaint the room and begin anew!
While we have all the same colors and stuff for this baby (mostly browns, creams, and greens with a little orange too...) we decided to try something new that could be versatile in the future
Isn't the tree so fun?!
The colored dots are wall stickers that will easily come off
They also come with letters so we can put the baby's name (once we've decided on one...) on the wall as well, like we did when Mylin was in there

We will probably hang 1 or 2 sentimental pictures of us and baby after Wee One's arrival - and other than that we'll keep it simply decorated!!!

What are your decorating suggestions?
What theme did you have when you had a nursery?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new

On Wednesday we traded this:

In for this:
(it wasn't an even trade...)

We are so blessed to be able to budget and have saved up enough to use cash to offset the trade in value of our car and get this new Rendezvous debt-free!
We are excited about the 3rd row seating (which probably won't come in too handy until more Draper kids come along...) and about the space we'll have to pack in for traveling with a family of 4!
We are planning at least one big road trip this year to Alabama to visit my brother and his family and we are so thankful to have a spacious vehicle that will accomodate us on the road!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Our little artist

A new

of Mylin's
 She is still
 excelling at being
 absolutely adorable too!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4th Anniversary Celebration!

On Wednesday night, May 9th (our actual anniversary), we began our celebration with a hurried lunch of Mylin going to grandma's, Joel going to his parents to eat lunch, and Rachel going to a work meeting and baby appointment - Happy Anniversary! :)

When Rachel got home, she tried to take a nap while Joel mowed, but ended up talking on the phone the whole time... (Thanks, Joy!)

We then got ready and went to look at a new vehicle (post to come in future) and eat at TWFable
We went to bed early that night and slept in on Thursday morning - that was a lovely way to begin a great day!

We got up to Autum Ridge Golf Course and hit the greens by 9am

(yes his ball is still on the tee - this was a practice swing - I didn't want to distract him during his real one!)

This was something fun we haven't done since we dated
We had such a fun time riding around and golfing (Joel) and eating chocolate (Rachel)
DEFINITELY a repeat date - why have we waited years and years to do this again?!?!

This series of pictures describes a story told by Joel:

Can you tell by his posture that the awesome putt position didn't pay off?! He was bummed but we had fun taking the pictures - little did we know a couple was sitting on their deck watching the whole 'show' :)

After we had a couples massage that was ridiculously awesome...we went out to eat at Cork and Cleavers - a place neither of us had ever been to
At one point in the evening Joel flashed me a great grin that had me almost spitting water out of my nose because I noticed something in his teeth...
Thanks for re-enacting the smile for me, Handsome! :)

After a few anniversary shots by our photographer waitress - we headed to a local hotel to relax for the rest of the evening

While Rachel got ridiculously homesick for Mylin, we both survived until Friday morning when we hurried home to get her and enjoy the rest of our long weekend together!

Thank you, God, for the gift of marriage and how you have blessed us these last 4 years!!!