The best parts of this year included........................
Plans, hopes, and dreams for 2011 (a review and new challenge for 2012 to come soon!)
My graduation with a Master's in Counseling
Different challenges we did in February, March, (review) and April, (review)
Traveling to North Carolina for a wedding
Being challenged and evolving as parents and as Christians
Our 3rd anniversary
Mushroom hunting with Joel's extended family (and part 2)
Mylin's 1st birthday!
Attending Mat and Abby's wedding in Chicago
Our weekend away in Dublin, OH (and part 2)
and, finding out we are blessed with another pregnancy!!!
Some of the end of 2011 will be posted next week - but I will leave you with one picture that was arguably the BEST part of our Christmas break this year
An amazing dinner and game night with Mat and Abby Mifsud!
We love this couple SOOO much!
We haven't been able to visit with them in person since their wedding in July - and will most likely not see them for 2 more years :(
This night was so wonderful to reconnect with each other spiritually and relationally, and just enjoy conversation and lots and lots of laughing
We love you guys!
What were the highlights of your 2011?
4 years ago
Rachel! We loved being with you guys too! A highlight was actually being home this Christmas seeing you guys and my family - though I couldn't see everyone this time around :(. But, getting engaged and married in the same year are the once in a lifetime moments I will treasure! Love you - muah! <3