The first post of our 2011 garden
We planted it Sunday May 22nd
Because I haven't yet figured out how to draw on my blog pictures I post - I will just tell you what is there!
Over here, beside our home we have a zillion raspberry plants (we began with 15 last year, not sure if we even had both male and female, but this year there are close to 50 and we have little flower buds!!!) 4 jalapeno plants and 1 hot garden pepper plant, and a bunch of chives transplated from Joel's parents.
(Also, our rocking climatis climbing!)
A different view showing off all the raspberries
An above view of peppers
And more raspberries
Updates to come!
What did you plant in your garden this year?
Jealous of your garden! We had high hopes for a garden this year but didn't get it done. Hopefully next year! I want tomatoes, spinach, basil, zucchini, and lots and lots of raspberries!