For April we decided to do a simple grocery fast and only buy necessities with no extras (cookies, ice cream, impulse buying)
This worked out surprisingly well!
I was able to stick to the grocery list and staples of fresh produce, frozen veggies, milk, eggs, cheese, and toiletries.
The exceptions were exceptions all together such as I threw a bridal shower the last weekend in the month and was in charge of making a dessert
I also brought in easter eggs for my clients at the schools - so I bought candy to fill those
I think this 'fast' is something I want to change my buying style to
Instead of impulse shopping each trip, limit it to special occasions - like buying oreos when Joel is gone that week for work
Or taking our babysitter out for ice cream once in awhile instead of just having it on hand at all times
With this new shopping motivation I want to make sure I don't let guilt creep in
For example, I bought the new flavor of Sun Chips last week and want to enjoy that buy without being upset that I spent $3.50 that I wasn't planning on (they weren't very good so I won't be spending $ on them in the future!)
p.s. I think our May fast isn't a fast at all...we are SO busy this month, which we are each year, I just want to keep my head above water and survive the hectic final month as a grad student, all of our family events, and the change of life that will take place as I end one phase (being a student) and begin the next (stay-at-home mom with a 1 day a week job).
What are your grocery shopping 'rules'?
4 years ago
What if you budgeted $$ for impulse buying for groceries? Like $5 or so on something extra? Then you won't feel guilt. I have found I cannot go when I'm hungry because then everything looks good! :)