In 2011 I was so excited to finish my Master's degree and finally start leisure reading again!
This is what I managed to accomplish:
Her Daughter's Dream - Francine Rivers
Journey to the Well - Diana Wallis Taylor
The Other Side of Darkness - Melody Carlson
Radical - David Platt (audio c.d.)
The Atonement Child - Francine Rivers
Baby Wise - Gary Ezzo, M.A. and Robert Bucknam, M.D.
Wind Dancer - Jamie Carie
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Boundaries - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Give Them Grace - Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
Sun Stand Still - Steven Furtick
Seriously...I'm Kidding - Ellen Degeneres
Gideon's Grace - Karen Kingsbury
Maggie's Miracle - Karen Kingsbury
Sarah's Song - Karen Kingsbury
Hannah's Hope - Karen Kingsbury
Out of these books I would HIGHLY recomment reading Her Daughter's Dream, by Francine Rivers, but not before you read Marta's Legacy, the prequel, also by Francine Rivers
If you want to laugh out loud all afternoon pick up Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres (or her 2 other books, My Point...and I Do Have One, or The Funny Thing Is...)
Also, Radical and Give Them Grace are MUST HAVE'S for Jesus lover's - for just living life as we are called to, and also parently our children the way Jesus' directs us (see also, Baby Wise)
Coincidently, I wouldn't recommend Sun Stand Still - it honestly doesn't even compare to Radical in my opinion
I'm making it a goal for 2012 to read every day!
I have a few books on my list to start with:
The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard
Divine by Karen Kingsbury
Every Woman's Marriage by Shannon Ethridge
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
Plus a few Francis Chan books I bought during an Amazon impulse buy where I couldn't help myself by adding them all to my cart and knew that Joel and I would enjoy reading them some day :)
What books would you highly recommend I add to my list?!?!
4 years ago
What a great list! I would add The Well-Trained Heart by Ray and Donna Reish (library has this), Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and I am currently re-reading a couple of my favorites by Francine River's - Lineage of Grace and Redeeming Love.
ReplyDeleteI love that you have goals like these! It's inspiring to me. In this last trip back home I stuck in Emily Dickenson's poetry - a gift from you that I've been wanting to crack open for ages!! Your list looks great already. I just discovered The Guide to Living Colorfully Book Set by Kate Spade, which looks like it's full of inspiring ideas if you finish your list a little early. <3!!