Joel and I have been privileged to know Casey Ringger. A funny part of our friendship is that Joel and I have separately been friends with her throughout high school, college, and now. It's been fun to know her as a girlfriend, and now enjoy the friendship with another married couple. Learn more about Casey by reading her blog
Casey enjoys writing about God, marriage, school, Charlie - her chocolate lab, and among so much more - recipes!
I'm so grateful for her sharing these great recipes with us!
Do you remember Orange Julius' at the mall? Well, thanks to my friend Katie R. I have a/the recipe for them :) Her family has a tradition of making them on Christmas Day. Art and I made them and they were awesome!!!
Orange Julius
1/3 can frozen OJ concentrate
1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. water
1/4 c. sugar (I used less...just a little)
1/2 t. vanilla (if you have pure extract...use 1/2!)
5-6 ice cubes
Combine all in a blender until smooth. Makes about 3 cups.
Art and I tripled the recipe and it completely filled our blender!!!
This recipe I got from It is for Popcorn Chicken but with a twist. Boneless chicken wings with hot sauce always look and smell so good! So I combined ideas.
Popcorn Chicken
3 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I only used 1 1/2 for Art and I)
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 ts. salt
1/2 ts. garlic powder
Mix the flour, salt, and garlic in a good sized bowl. Cut the chicken into bite sized pieces. Toss the chicken in the flour mixture.
Use your saved butter wrapper to butter a 9x13 baking dish (or use actual butter). Spoon chicken in dish (I did not pour it out because I didn't want a lot of flour in the dish). Spread so they are in a single layer.
Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Stir and bake for another 10 minutes. (I actually baked them for another 10 minutes after that).
They do not look pretty at this stage!!! But this is my twist: Pour the chicken into a container with a lid (or a plastic baggie). Pour some sauce (bbq, hot, etc.) inside and shake. Instant boneless chicken wings!! Art likes bbq and I like hot. I used the generic, regular hot sauce from Wal-mart.
Let me know how these recipes go over with your family!
4 years ago
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