I am going to be offering a bible study for women at our church this winter
I have been a part of this group for the last year and a half and we have done several different types of studies:
A Wife After God's Own Heart - Elizabeth George
Esther - Beth Moore
Crazy Love - Francis Chan
For Women Only - Shaunti Feldman
I have really loved the different aspects of these groups and how they have grown me as a Christian woman, wife, mother, and humble servant
I am thinking about doing another Beth Moore study this winter because I love the intensity and discipline it requires!
We are probably going to do A Heart Like His, a study of David
What Bible studies have you done or books that have been the center of a study that you have enjoyed and recommend?
What did you learn from them and how did they change your life?!
4 years ago
Currently, I am doing Beth Moore's study of Esther. (I am in love with her, by the way). I have also read For Women Only. That has to be such a simple, but insightful book! I think my favorite studies are those of individual books. I am hoping to do one of Acts or Ephesians this winter!