today i am inspired to make and create.
1. bacon cheeseburger soup (my in-laws so this on t.v. so i'm going to try to make it up)
2. baked potato soup (we have potatos and don't like them much...but we love soup!)
3. spinach smoothies (credit to my friend kim)
4. deviled eggs (i've been craving these for at least 2 weeks!)
also - thanks to kim and dave for a fun friday night. they came down from goshen to spend the night with us and ran in the Oubache State Park run on saturday morning
this couple is a breath of fresh air and wonderful pair to be around - exuding Christ's love
we can't wait for another sleepover :)
lastly, on my random post...the message at life community yesterday was amazing. Satan was trying his hardest to distract the worship team and leadership from being able to be vessels to the Holy Spirit - but God won! Chad was used by God to bring a very direct and convicting message about idolatry. i ordered the dvd so we can just always have it. seriously - amazing. check it out on their facebook page - they always post the sermons.
this is just another of many additions in my life of God talking to me about storing my treasures in heaven and not on earth - to not idolize or worship anything or anyone on earth, but to concentrate on HIM.
what are you cooking in your kitchen?
how are your friend encounters uplifting you?
what has God been telling you lately?
4 years ago
Cooking: I need to do some serious cooking this week - I haven't lately. I'm not sure what to make though... I just always want soup right now!
ReplyDeleteFriend encounters: YOU! Wonderful time just relaxing with you!
God: on Sunday speaking how He loves me as a father, not in a way I might ever understand from personal experience, but in ways He wants to continue to teach me.
What have I been cooking? not a whole lot. Recently, the family is being fed on heated up stuff from the freezer, like frozen pizza. I did make some awesome split pea soup and chili 2 weeks ago. Tonite we had grilled cheese and tomato soup. I go in spurts of planning meals. Right now, I'm winging it.
ReplyDeleteFriend Encounters: My friends with little kids are an encouragement to me that the daily chaos of three little kids is not unique to our family or my failure as a mom. It's a stage of life and I'm hurting myself and my family if I stress out about it. I'm also encouraged by friends who aren't married or don't have children. It's nice to remember there is life outside of Dora and dishwashers, preschool and potty training, snacktime and sticky floors!
God talking to me: Through a couple of venues, God has been saying that He works through many people to accomplish His purposes. It's a privilege for me to be a part, but the results are not on my shoulders. They are on His.