Confirmation for prayer requests seems elusive to me.
I know now that I firmly believe in it...but when I don't know where to find it and I don't know what form it will come in...I am left wondering at when to step out in faith and when to wait longer for an answer or permission.
Some time in the last several months I was driving home from Marion listening to the conversation hour on WBCL (90.3 in the Ft. Wayne area)
I was deep in
worry prayer over Joel's job situation because it was becoming increasingly stressful and I am not in favor of their move to Ft. Wayne within the next 2 years that will take him away from us 40ish minutes earlier each more, bring him home 40ish minutes later, and take away our lunch hour together every day
As I was committing this to the Lord and begging for a quick and easy solution (to me that would be some job change or ministry opportunity) I boldly asked that the Lord give me an answer to this prayer to clear that I would not question it!
Well nearly an entire
30 seconds later the program I was listening to reminded us that this author was speaking about their book on how to know God's will
(I do not remember the name of the book or the day it was aired - sorry!). The author used a
random scenario of hearing God's voice/will in the area of our job. Such as (the author's example), biding our time doing our job because we know this isn't the final place/true spot of ministry/dream job that we will have one we are just doing this to get by until then. The auther challenged us that this train of thought is NOT according to God's will! What would be in God's will would be to perform our best, work as hard as we know how, and do our very best in the job that He has given us. Opportunity will find the hard-worker.
Um, wow.
So thanks for showing up and showing off when I step out on a limb of faith to boldly ask for clear confirmation!
I went away from that knowing how I could encourage Joel in this situation - to remind him of the important work his job description has for him to do and also for the relationships he has built and is nurturing at Franklin. He has a valuable spot with close friends at work to impact them for Jesus and to live for Him in a secular organization.
Cut to about 2-3 weeks ago when I was in the throws of my miserable cold(s).
I wasn't able to go to sleep and went downstairs for some late night quiet time
I prayed boldly again asking the Lord to give me comfort and wisdom to endure this illness and discern if and what medicines I should take to ease my pain but also keep my unborn child's health my #1 priority. I had to be up in a few short hours to go to work and care for many other's burdens...I always need to be on top of my game for my job both emotionally and physically.
I opened a newer devotional called, Progress of Another Pilgrim, by Frances J. Roberts.
As I flipped through the table of contents I was looking specifically for something that spoke to healing. I came to a short passage entitled 'Thy Healing Touch'. As I read through this I was encouraged that through my weaknesses God was shown to be what brought about any strength. When we strive forth in our ministry and recognize where we are weak than it is obvious it is His accomplishment.
Again - Wow, God!
Thank you for reminding me that I am not in this alone and will not endure it alone. You will fill in the gaps to continue your ministry through me!
My third (and final) confirmation story came just 2 days later. I had just come from a MomLife leadership meeting where we had talked in length about next years leadership team. We were not only planning how many spots were available, but what the responsibilities would be and whether any of us would return. I knew that I wanted to return, but that it would be difficult with a newborn. I knew that I needed to have Joel's approval and support (though now I know that God's ministry is bigger than my husband's agreeance...but I still wanted to have it!). As we mulled over the job descriptions and which one I'd be interested in I told our leader for next year that I would take 1 of 2 positions - whichever one was left after another member decided which one they wanted. I knew that this wasn't a very convicted response - but I didn't feel led to take a particular spot - but just that I wanted to be a part of it!
After more debate and suggestions ideas began to float around about prioritizing spiritual growth and fellowship in the overall MomLife group. Ideas kept coming to me and our leader was so excited that by the end of the meeting she decided she'd add another position for spiritual direction. I left that meeting knowing that I was to pray specifically about that position - that is where God was leading me in many areas in my life! I came home, picked up that same devotional and opened to a passage labeled "Fellowship". I won't quote the entire devotion, but it literally said 'MOVE' in capitol letters, encouraging the reader to go in faith and God will give you (or as I was reading, 'me') a rich ministry.
You may think that was enough to convince - but the scripture referenced at the end of this paragraph did it. Colossians 3:12-17.
(Look it up to enjoy the richness of God's Word) Our verse. The Draper passage. Read at our wedding. Yep, I am totally going to be on the leadership team and use God's strength in all of my weaknesses to provide fellowship opportunities and Bible studies to these women as we all grow in Him and His plan for us!
God - you never cease to amaze me. THANK YOU for answering prayers in a way that I can understand, believe, and move forward with. I love you!!!!!!!!
Please share a story of your own on God' confirmation to prayer or how you 'hear' Him best!!! Sharing these stories with one another can be so uplifting!