i am sad that my last post was a month ago.
i am even more sad that i feel like i have nothing to share on my blog - and that is why i did not post!
this all began because i was going to put up pregnancy photos of how we (baby and i - not daddy) have grown through the last 26 weeks (can you believe its been that long!?!) BUT our camera card is dysfunctional and would like to erase those pictures and not load them on to our computer...
i am still bitter about this - but trying to get over it and look on the brightside of purchasing a new camera to use for the new member of our family arriving soon!
in addition to that i've had waves of some pregnancy/grad student blues this semester (remember my post about my busy schedule?!)
luckily - spring arriving is helping me overcome these blues - but i still battle them weekly
i am so blessed to have such a loving, supporting, encouraging, and happy best friend/husband that let's me talk over these blues again and again and again - and then he helps me deal with it and feel good about myself and life in general!
since my semester is mere weeks from being finished (YAY!!!!) - i am looking forward to the summer and what it holds for continuing my education and balancing life with the unpredictability of our new draper bundle's arrival...
i am SOOO thrilled to be doing my first internship of my program at our faith community, Life, in Bluffton (also 10 blocks from our house...)
This has been an earnest prayer of ours for months, if not over a year
I can't wait to begin ministering in this way to our community - i am nervous and very excited for what God has in store for me there!
i will also be taking a class that meets one weekend a month all summer - let's see how exciting a baby arrival will make my class attendance and ability to complete the work!
If all goes well and as tentatively planned - in a year i will be just weeks from graduation and an MA in Counseling!
i hope it isn't too long before i reflect on life again - fellow bloggers - keep inspiring me by your recipes, testimonies, house projects, exercise plans, funny stories, and insight!!! i love it!
4 years ago